Detail Buku
Penulis : Bertha Resivia I. G., M. Ed., Ryan Gerry P., M.M., Yasmin Farani, S.pd., M.pd. | Editor : |
Harga : Rp89.000 | Penerbit : CV. Idebuku |
No. ISBN : Process | Jumlah Halaman : vi + 71 hlm |
Sinopsis Buku
At its presentation, each subject is presented more to the basic principles of each topic. Thus, the book is concisely arranged for each topic and presented in book form. This book also uses language that is as communicative as possible so that it is expected to be easily understood by readers. However, it is necessary to carefully read the content of the material, section by section, and rewrite what is contained in each subject and sub – subject.